Saturday, November 15, 2008

My first post yay!

Okay so I guess I should just jump right in...

So my BFF and soon to be boutique partner and I are hanging out at my house one day after I was explaining to her how a co-worker was thinking about starting a clothing boutique herself and had asked me to partner with her. You know, there are just some people in this world that you can be friends with but some you know that you just won't work well with.. so sadly I declined. As I had already been starting my own business in the beginning of the summer I knew somewhat of the beginning stages as I had already been doing a lot of research on how to start a business. So I am not trying to be a copycat here... but I really thought this would be a great idea!! So wagreed, what the hay. The idea behind the title of the blog is simple. I read a book called "ladies who launch", great book about women who are ready to go out on their own, whether being a WAHM (work at home mom), or becoming a CEO and launching a company the moral is to take action and live a better quality of life.
So this blog is almost like a portal to success.. I mean if you can blog about anything why not about something positive. This will be like my journal to you, giving you the inside scoop of what's gong on with our venture...why we do it, how we do it, and what happens when we got it, and yes I believe we will get there!
My original business venture was dealing with home staging. For some who may not know, it involves decorating a home to prepare for a sale so that it is more appealing to buyers. But unfortunately this particular area has been seeing it's down side because of the drop in home sales lately. I also was working at a company that I just really wasn't happy at and wanted to do something from home so that I could spend more time with my two kids. I still plan on staying in the interior design field though.... currently in school... my dream is to one day become an interior designer or start my own firm. But for now my love for shopping will just have to do! Who knows maybe this little idea will work..maybe it won't.. but we won't know unless we take a risk. Isn't that what starting a business is about?
My girlfriend "Tiffy" is just about the most hard working girl I know whether or not she likes what she does... and I know that she will be the perfect business partner.. hell she has been the perfect friend! Needless to say that her fashion sense is amazing.. us two at the mall together.. is dangerous. But it goes beyond really just shopping. It has to do with marketing, sales, finance..OMG! what the heck are we thinking!!!!! I am definitely looking forward to your comments and especially your advice as we head down the road to "?" as I like to call it.

ta ta for now,